Social conflicts, violence and vulnerability.

The case of Oaxaca


  • Luis Arturo Tapia Guerrero Cátedras CONACyT - IISUABJO



Arenas of conflict, violence, social resilience, institutional framework, Oaxaca


The article analyzes the vulnerability associated with social conflicts, taking as a case the state of Oaxaca. The reported data indicate the importance of institutional contexts in the configuration of a feedback loop between conflict and social vulnerability, and are of analytical relevance in studies on human well-being. The data also contribute to the clarification and conceptual expansion of vulnerability, recovering its semantic link with risk and with the response capacity of populations. These results are socially relevant at a time when the indices of conflict and violence are on the rise in different regions of the country. The study used a mixed method that combined the content analysis of just over three thousand newspaper and official sources, and a network analysis.


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How to Cite

Tapia Guerrero, L. A. (2023). Social conflicts, violence and vulnerability.: The case of Oaxaca. Espiral Estudios Sobre Estado Y Sociedad (eISSN: 2594-021X), 30(86).