#Metoo, digital mobilization in Mexico:
Support, criticism and opposition in the Civil Sphere
movilización feminista, Metoo, Esfera Civil, Justicia, AcosoAbstract
The controversy in the Mexican media is analyzed for the alleged relationship of the #Metoo movement with the suicide of a musician accused of harassment. This controversy opened a debate on the relevance of the anonymous report of the harassment, its legal, social and personal implications, both for the victims and for the accused. Following the theoretical-methodological proposal of cultural sociology, a review was made of the opinion columns that dealt with the subject. The movement was interpreted in the media as: a) an expression of legitimate justice; b) a justified manifestation but contaminated by rancor and revenge; c) as an expression that sought from the beginning the digital lynching of alleged harassers. This dispute allows us to understand the challenges of feminist justice in cases of violence against women.Downloads
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