The return to extractivism in Latin America. Rupture or deepening of the model of liberal economy and why now?




Latin America, Mexico, natural resources, inequality, poverty.


This paper analyzes Latin American neoextractivism, or the advance of raw materials exports in Latin America, from the perspective of classical and contemporary theory, and explains that before a break, it’s the deepening of the model of liberal economy instrumented in different periods in the whole region, so changes are not expected in the dynamics or structure of the economy. The economic and social effects are analyzed from the theories of Dutch Disease and Curse of Natural Resources.


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Author Biography

Alicia Puyana Mutis, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Mexico. ORCID:

Professor-Researcher at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Mexico.


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How to Cite

Puyana Mutis, A. (2017). The return to extractivism in Latin America. Rupture or deepening of the model of liberal economy and why now?. Espiral Estudios Sobre Estado Y Sociedad (eISSN: 2594-021X), 24(69), 73-113.