El Cannabis legal change in Mexico: interactions, processes and moral disputes
legislation, cannabis, México, social interaccion.Abstract
This article seeks to examine the social interactions, procedural components, and ethical contentions within the legal transformations related to cannabis in Mexico. The methodology employed involves tracking interactions over the period 2009 to 2021, using documentary and hemerographic sources. The findings outline a shift from contentious to consensual interactions, focusing on groundbreaking arguments for the regulation of cannabis and highlighting the central role of human rights. Notable lines of argument were identified, including the role of the parent of a patient or the consumer asserting their freedoms. Three trends are evident in approaches to cannabis: medicinal, recreational and industrial production. Despite its contribution to various academic disciplines, the study is limited by its omission of technical legislative, constitutional or parliamentary majority considerations. In summary, this endeavour provides a holistic perspective on the complexities surrounding cannabis in Mexico, highlighting the primacy of human rights in this evolving paradigm.Downloads
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