Mutual siege between the beast and the sovereign: disturbing familiarity, dark attraction and fascinating complicity
biopolitics, animality, humanism, sovereign, bare lifeAbstract
The violence and denial exerted from the western humanist culture towards non-human animals have been recurrently taken as reference points to design modes of oppression within the human species itself. And, from this arrangement of otherness and animal alterity, biopolitical systems have segmented politically recognized human lives (bíos) and lives exposed to vulnerability (zoé). This article questions that thesis and is committed to thinking of the animal as a force that is not opposed to the human, but rather empowers it. For this, the thought of classical authors on the subject is critically reviewed, as well as some concepts immersed in the problem: biopower, bare life, sovereign, homo sacer, among others. The work finally derives in certain approaches aimed at considering the different forms of life in terms of heterogeneities, assemblages and becomings, as well as accepting the unsustainability of all binarism in the face of the powerful presence of a micrology of the multiple.Downloads
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