violence, power, subjectivity, conflict, visibilityAbstract
In this article we analyze the notion of violence using Johan Galtung’s theory of direct, structural, and cultural violence as a conceptual framework. This lens, triangulated and enriched with concepts from other authors, by also emphasizing the historical and geopolitical characteristics of the Mexican context, will help overcome some of the limitations of said theory. By emphasizing the complexity of this phenomenon, we reinterpret it from an interdisciplinary approach to elucidate some areas that otherwise remain unseen and open the debate of the underlying power mechanisms and the way it acquires internal efficacy, producing concealed consequences, such as adapted subjectivities. The objective of our analysis is to highlight its’ multiple dimensions and forms, and a critical examination of its’ invisibility and normalization. This theoretical dissertation is essential, because a deeper comprehension is a prerequisite to develop means of prevention and elimination from the core, which is unresolved conflict.Downloads
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