Nuclear energy, what is at stake: economic benefit or socio-environmental well-being?
nuclear energy; Laguna Verde; Mothers Veracruzanas; costs; resistanceAbstract
The objective of this article is to study the relevance of nuclear energy in Mexico for the economy, as well as for the State and the population. In addition, to analyze the opposition of the Madres Veracruzanas social movement that originated from the implementation of the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant (CNLV) in the state of Veracruz. The methodology used was that of a case study to fully assess whether the CNLV represents a viable energy alternative for the country. As a result, it was verified that the CNLV is not feasible at an economic and environmental level due to high production costs and ecological risks; on the other hand, at the social level there is mistrust and there is no proposal on the part of the State. It is concluded that the CNLV does not represent a viable long-term option, since it causes social conflicts, environmental degradation and high economic costs.Downloads
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