Los The methodological challenges in the study of subnational electoral coalitions
methodology, pre-electoral coalitions, subnational elections, case estudies, intentional selectionAbstract
This article is based on the methodological tensions recorded in the recent literature on pre-electoral coalitions between quantitative studies and the empirical records of elections where theoretical expectations are not met. In order to find the reasons for this anomaly, it is proposed to identify the factors that inhibit the effect of independent variables –the so-called causal mechanisms, based on case studies. In this sense, the article exposes the methodological turn in this regard, after reviewing the limitations of quantitative studies and the need to complement them from a qualitative approach. Through an example of intentional selection of observations, the richness of the methodological exercise for subsequent studies is visualized. It is concluded that the typical, atypical, typical-atypical contrast and maximum variation cases can refine the knowledge about the mechanisms and conditions that enable pre-electoral coalitions.Downloads
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