Individualization processes in different cultural contexts: adolescents in Mexico and Germany
identity, individualization, adolescents, reflexive modernity, culture.Abstract
This article explores the major distinctions that mark the process of individualization of two groups of teenagers from different socio-cultural contexts located in Guadalajara (Mexico) and Bremen (Germany). The study explores some peculiarities in the process of individualization that acquire meaning in the light of the conditions and cultural contexts in which young people develop their lives. The theoretical framing formed the sociological concepts proposed by Beck, Giddens, Lash (1997) that refer to the process of individualization that acquire as guiding reference for understanding the construction of youth identities and the different ways in which adolescents today stick to the society. The methodological design was the case study with embedded units of analysis (Yin, 1994) using the interview as the main instrument of data collection.Downloads
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