The power elites in Mexico. A critical review of literature produced in Mexico between 1970-1990
literature about elites, political and economic elites in Mexico, literature from 70’s to 90’s, critical exploration, business class.Abstract
The purpose of the paper is to make a critical exploration of the literature produced in Mexico between 1970 and 1990 on its political and economic elites. We seek to know the analytic dimensions and the theoretical frameworks employed by the authors. Behind the main object we investigated whether authors had been done any connection between the interaction and exercise of power of the political class and the business class in the literature, with respect to socioeconomic conditions of society. We found that this aspect was not within researchers’ interest, although during the predominance of Marxist paradigm in the 70’s some analysis were close to the issue. This circumstance made Mexican scholars did not to follow the debate on the elites in the US academy those years. In the 80’s, researchers gave prominence to the business class and its organizations from institutional approaches, nonetheless most of the works were not supported in theoretical and methodological frameworks.Downloads
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