The question of State/popular struggles in Louis Althusser (1976-1978)
Althusser, State, popular classes, struggle, Marxism´s crisis.Abstract
This article´s aim is to analyze the conceptual device that Althusser uses to approach the problem of the relation between popular classes and political power. From systematizing and meticulous reading of the corpus shaped by the texts referred to Marxism´s crisis, the conclusion is that the backbones of the mentioned device are the critique of the different forms of the economicism, the problematization of the State as key instance of capitalist reproduction, the thesis of the primacy of class struggle, the invective against the bourgeois illusion of politics, the critique of the gramscian notion of hegemony (and its political drifts) and the thesis of the centrality of conjuncture. The specific contribution that represent this work in the field of althusserian studies is that it shows the conceptual power of interventions habitually considered according to their political dimension.Downloads
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