About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Espiral Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad publishes research articles on three objects of study ─ politics and government, social movements, and poverty and inequality─, with a critical stance and an interdisciplinary approach, and focused preferably on the area of Latin America and the Caribbean. Its objective is to make known empirical results and advances in these areas of the social sciences; as well as, to promote a debate on matters of theory and method on these issues, including discussions on the crisis, transformations, and alternatives facing current society.  Espiral does not consider articles whose content is focused strictly on one discipline or about other objects of study such as history, law, education, or communication, among others. It is addressed to researchers, faculty, and graduate students interested in the above topics.

Espiral is a scientific journal accepting for possible publication only original and unpublished research articles on topics defined by its thematic scope. These texts are evaluated by specialists, under the dual blind review system. All reviewers are appointed by the Editorial Board.

Espiral is edited by the Universidad de Guadalajara, through the División de Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad and was founded in September 1994. Published exclusively on paper from September 1994 until December 2014 and from 2015 both in paper and electronic format, under the OJS system. On this version, it has open access, and free of charge publication fees. It appears in the months of January, May and September.

It was included in the index of Mexican Journals of Scientific and Technological Research of CONACYT (Mexico) in 2012; currently it appears in the System of Classification of Mexican Journals of Science and Technology of the same organism. From 2014, it is also included in the SciELO Citation Index.



Espiral is published quarterly, on January, May and September, each year.


Section policies

Teoría y debate

The Teoría y debate section include articles promoting and enriching the current debates on question of theory, method and critical analysis in the subject matters of Political Systems and Government, Social Movements, and Poverty and Inequality. Articles on this section should have a minimum of 8 000 and a maximum of 10 000 words.


The Estado section includes research articles bestowing empirical results and outcomes on issues about political systems and government. Articles on this section should have a minimum of 8 000 and a maximum of 10 000 words.


The Sociedad section focuses on research articles bestowing empirical articles on questions about social movements, poverty and inequality. Articles on this section should have a minimum of 8 000 and a maximum of 10 000 words.


The Reseñas section includes reports on recent publications on the in the subject matters under the thematic scope of Espiral: Political Systems and Government, Social Movements, and Poverty and Inequality. Reviews are not subject peer evaluation neither count as materials to be cited by research articles. Collaboration in this section will have a minimum of 1 300 and a maximum of 2 000 words.  

Teoría y Debate

 Open Submissions


 Peer Reviewed


 Open Submissions


 Peer Reviewed


 Open Submissions


 Peer Reviewed


 Open Submissions


 Peer Reviewed


Peer Review Process

Editorial statement

Authors applying for possible publication in Espiral should send the documents mentioned in the section requirements for the delivering originals. Once the editorial team certifies that the shipment complies with all the requirements of application, the text will be forwarded for editorial statement to the Board of Directors, with the support of the editorial team, in order to certify completion of the following items:

  • A review for identifying plagiarism. Only after complying with this requirement it will be possible to continue with the next stages of the editorial statement.
  • A verification on whether the proposed article is under the journal thematic scope and approach.
  • A verification on whether the text complies with each indications marked on the requirements for submitting textsand delivery of originals , as well as in the guidelines for the authors .
  •  A revision on whether the bibliography is relevant and up-to-date, and complying with the Standard APA.
  • An analysis of the article by Ithenticate app, for antiplagiarism detection.
  • Priority will be given to texts whose bibliography is delivered electronically managed and with active hyperlinks to the respective DOI respective.

After a postulated article receives an editorial statement, the author will be formally notified within a period of 15 days, and the paper will be under review in order to fulfil the requirement of having an academic statement.


Academic statement

Articles must have a favorable academic statement under a double-blind, peer-review process, where the identity of authors and reviewers will remain in anonymity:

  • Articles credited by an editorial statement will be sent to experts in the same disciplinary area. Reviewers will be selected from an arbitrors portfolio - consisting of specialists from national and international institutions-who will issue opinions about the relevance and academic quality of the proposed text and will determine the feasibility of the publication of the article under review.  
  • The reviewers will be responsible of carefully analyze the academic, theoretical and methodological relevance of the articles assigned to them. Their task is to review the presence of a theoretical and methodological section, as well as the consistency with respect to the field of study, plus the consistency between the academic contribution and relevance of the findings described, as well as relevance of the bibliography.
  • All articles will be sent to two experts - attached to an institution other than the affiliation of the authors - who will issue comments and opinions deciding among one of the following options:

(a) To recommend publication without modifications.

(b) To recommend publication with minor changes, without requiring a second review by the referees.

(c) To condition publication to the realization of major changes, requiring a new revision by the reviewers. This process can be repeated up to a maximum of two rounds; if at this point the document is not yet recommended for publication, the article will be rejected without an option for a new shipment.

(d) Not recommend its publication.


The following is the form reviewers fill:


Revista Espiral, Estudios de Estado y Sociedad


Article's title:

Does the article is relevant and original? 

Please, argue:

Does the article make enough discussion about the topic and makes contribution to the discipline?

Please, argue:

Is the article coherent and argumentatively well-oriented?

Please, argue:

Is methodology clear enough, and it is so the sources mentions?

Please, argue:

Select a recomendation for the article:

Sign with an "x" 


·        Publish






·        Publish with changes



·        Do not publish


1. Article is not thematically relevant to Espiral.

2. Article makes not contributions to the discipline.

3. Article is not coherent.

4. Article is not result of a research project.

5. Other (explain):


Justify (Options 1 to 5)


  • In the event that an opinion is positive and the other negative, the text will require a third arbitrator. The assignment of the third arbitrator will also be depending on their specialty. 
  • For a text to be approved for publication, it is essential to have at least two of the three opinions as positive.
  • In cases where an article receives an opinion (or both) positive, but with corrections, the author will be informed via e-mail, attaching the opinions in blind.
  • The Editorial Board will guarantee, in all cases, that the opinions delivered to the authors will be supported by valid arguments.
  • If the author disagrees with the opinions made by reviewers, he/she has the option of appealing them to the Editorial Board.
  • Authors, who have received comments requesting changes in the article, will have a period of twenty calendar days for preparing a new version of it.
  • In cases that become to point out corrections, the procedure will be repeated again up to the limit of twice. If after the second attempt again to request changes, you will be notified to the author that his article is not publishable by overstepping the limit.
  • The time so that the document is turned over to opinion will be based on the number of items in the waiting list. Referees, once received the item, will have six weeks to conduct the review and deliver the result.
  • Accepted papers will begin the editing process (proofreading, marking of metadata, formation, layout etc.), to be subsequently included in the issue assigned by the Editorial Board.
  • Once in the editing process (correction of style, metadata, formation and layout marking), the preliminary version of the texts will be sent to the authors for final review and approval. Authors have a period of three calendar days for delivery approval. It no comments were submitted within that period, the editorial team will assume the authors have given their tacit approval. 


Open Access Policy

Authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions:

In accordance with the legislation of copyright, Espiral Estudios sobre Estado y Sociedad recognizes and respects the moral rights of the authors, as well as their equity ownership, which will be given to the journal to for diffusion on open access. Espiral does not charge authors for sending and processing their articles for publication.

The authors are able to engage in independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article’s version published in Espiral (for example, to include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) provided that they clearly indicate that the work was published for the first time in Espiral.

For all of the above, the authors(s) must send a format of a letter of transfer of property rights on the first publication duly completed and signed by the author(s). This format can be sent via email in PDF file to the email espiral.udeg@gmail.com. (Letter of transfer of author property rights)

 Only the reproduction of publication images (front covers and logos) requires authorization from Universidad de Guadalajara.

Code of Ethics

Espiral subscribes to the code of ethics for the actions and performance carried out by actors involved in the process of publishing this journal (editors, editorial board, reviewers and authors), based on the codes of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) established in 1997, with more than 12 thousand affiliates in the world, available at publicationethics.org

Guidelines and editorial practices

These guidelines are based on the policies of editorial practice of the Committee of Ethics (COPE for its acronym in English) publications available at: http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines

Based on the regulations and norms of Espiral, the functions of each one of its editorial body are:


The Board of Directors is composed of one Director and two co-directors, and the Editor. The directors are prestigious researchers and well known for their scientific achievements and experience in the management of journals in social sciences.

The Board's functions are: (1) to monitor the outcomes achieved by the journal and to propose to the Editorial Board specific policies and measures to improve the journal; (2) to support the Editorial Board in the assignment of reviewers for the articles. These decisions must have the knowledge and approval of the Editorial Board; (3) when so require them publication times solve the acceptance of articles that have passed the review process fair and decide the order in which published these; (4) to be a body for consultation and decision in the editing process and management of the journal; (5) to address any matters that require urgent solution; (6) to meet in sessions when they are called by the editor of the journal. In the absence of the editor, the director of the Board of Directors may convene the other co-directors and preside those sessions.


The Editorial Board is the body of decision and supervision of the reviewing and editing processes, as well as the visibility and distribution of the journal. It is composed of researchers in social sciences that are faculty members in the main research centers and institutions with recognized prestige in the country and abroad. The members of the Board of Directors also are ex officio Editorial Board. The number of members of the Editorial Board allows for the representation of different areas of expertise of the social sciences, and also for ensuring the presence of different trends, orientations and methodological approaches.

The functions carried out by the Editorial Board are: (1) to assign reviewers to each text that is submitted for evaluation; (2) to be informed of the opinions and assessment issued by the reviewer, in order to approve or reject their publication; (3) to delegate the assignment of reviewers and the acceptance or rejection of the evaluated texts to the Board of Directors, when the circumstances require it. The decisions thus taken are subsequently reported to the Editorial Board, which is responsible for approving them definitely; (4) to approve and evaluate the internal processes of the journal carried out by the Technical Secretary and the Technical Publisher.


The Publisher is responsible for the editorial production of the journal, in digital and printed formats, as well as: (1) to manage the resources to do so, with the assistance of the Technical Secretary and the Technical Publisher; (2) to inform the Editorial Board and the Board of Directors the results of the editing process; (3) to convene the Editorial Board and the Board of Directors for ordinary and extraordinary working sessions, presiding them; (4) and to be the link between Espiral and the authorities of the Universidad de Guadalajara.


The Technical Secretary's functions are: (1) to prepare the annual budget; (2) to make the diagnostic reports required for the Universidad de Guadalajara and external organisms; (3) to request the financial resources and do the necessary administrative process for their application; (4) to inform the Director and the Editor about the review and editing process; (5) to prepare information and documents required for the Editorial Board and the Board of Directors meetings; (6) to follow up on the decisions taken by the Editorial Board and the Board of Directors.


The technical editor functions are: (1) to operate the functioning of the digital editor editorial Open Journal Systems (OJS); (2) to contact the article’s reviewers assigned by the Editorial Board and the Board of Directors; (3) to constantly monitor the review process through OJS; (4) to attend and solve the doubts posed by authors and reviewers regarding the OJS process; (5) to attend and participate in the technical meetings convened by public higher education institutions and networks of quality scientific journals Edition; (6) to be the technical contact with the authorities and the instances of Universidad de Guadalajara involved in the editing of journals; (7) to report periodically to the Editorial Board and the Board of Directors on the status of the review process; (8) to represent, the journal in the technical meetings with university authorities; (9) to prepare articles for editing using the editorial criteria of the journal, checking spelling, grammar, syntax, cohesion, clarity and readability of these, solving the editing problems pointed out by reviewers, and maintaining communication with the authors to get their approval in the case of the editing changes; (10) to monitor the process of page layout and cover design and the interiors of each issue; (11) to check and correct final proofs, if necessary; (12) to attend other matters assigned by the Editorial Board and the Board of Directors.  


Code of Ethics for the Reviewers

The reviewer understands their responsibilities regarding confidentiality over the process and the ownership of the product under review on the basis of the peer-review model utilized (see). 

Reviewer’ responsibilities

  • To review and assess texts only in their area of scientific expertise.
  • To declare the existence of conflicts of interest just at the start of the review process.[1] In case the reviewer suspects the identity of the author (s), he (she) should notify the journal, to avoid any possible conflict of interest.
  • Reviewer should reject to assess a text immediately if they cannot comply in time.
  • Their evaluation will be based on the text originality, its contribution to the subject matter, the pertinence of the methodology adopted, the coherence and consistence of the reasoning, the relevance of the bibliography and the quality of written style, and structure of the text.
  • If they do not have the expertise to evaluate all aspects of the text, it should immediately address the journal staff.
  • The evaluation will be objective, specific and constructive.
  • To define clearly the approval, rejection or conditioning of the text.
  • To finish and send the assessment on the agreed deadline.
  • To respect confidentiality during and after the evaluation process.
  • To avoid using the content of the revised text or in review.
  • To avoid involving other people in the review.
  • To inform of similarities in the reviewed text with others articles or of any kind of plagiarism.
  • Reviewers are not allowed to transfer the responsibility for assessing the text to anyone else whether an assistant and a collaborator.

[1]Conflicts of interest appear when authors, reviewers or editors have no manifest interests, which may influence his judgment on what is going to be published. These can be personal, academic, economic, political, or religious. When these interests are important, they must report it to the publishers.

Review deadline:

If the reviewer considers themselves qualified to assess a manuscript, they must accept the review only if they are able to deliver it within the time given (four weeks at most). The reviewer has to report the journal if they will not be able to deliver the review on time and ask for an extension.

If they cannot review the text they are invented to, they can suggest some other reviewers, considering their experience without personal considerations or intention that the manuscript receives a (positive or negative) review.  


The manuscript review is confidential. The reviewer undertakes to involve no one else in the review and not to directly contact the authors. The reviewer shall respect the confidential nature of the review process at all times.


If there is a conflict of interests that hinders an impartial review, the Board of Directors must be notified. If an article’s authorship is identified, the Board must be notified and another reviewer will be proposed. The Directors Board or Editorial Board must be also notified if the reviewer realizes they do not have the enough experience to perform a review.

Suspected violations of the code of ethics:

If the reviewer finds any irregularity in the research reported in the manuscript under review, it shall be reported to the Editorial Board. For instance: if they find too many coincidences between the manuscript and other text published in another journal or book, lack of reference to original sources, plagiarism or self-plagiarism. The reviewer must be prudent and avoid enquiring on their own, unless the journal asks him additional information or advice. 

Text review:

The reviewer must read the full text and suggest changes that enrich the manuscript. To do so, the reviewer must fill in the review form, which is sent when a review is accepted, with solid arguments for each of its sections.


Code of Ethics for the Board of Directors and Editorial Board ("Editor(s)").

Reviewers’ quality:

The Editors undertakes to send the articles for review to evaluators qualified and specialized in each topic. The Editors will give the reviewers a guide on what is expected from their assessment (ruling form, reviewers’ code of ethics, deadlines). This way, they will monitor that the review is ethical and with quality at all times. The Editors will continually feed the reviewers’ database, one that reflects the community of the journal and the updated themes in the field, and will ask for the support of the members of the Scientific International Commitee to assign reviewers.

The reviews will be sent in its entirety to the authors, unless they contain offensive language or slanderous remarks. In this case, the Editors will suppress those words or else, if she considers it is an offensive review, she will suppress the assessment and invite another reviewer. Moreover, the reviewer will be removed from the panel of reviewers.

Quality of the contents:

The Board of Directors decision of accepting or rejecting a manuscript for publication will be based on the importance of the article, its contribution to the field, originality, clarity and relevance.

In the case of detecting misconduct, the editor will follow COPE’s codes and flowcharts.

The final decision on the publication or not of a manuscript will be made by the journals Board of Directors.


The Editors and their work team undertake not to disclose any information regarding the manuscripts submitted for publication to people alien to the Editorial Board, Board of Directors and Scientific International Commitee, the authors or reviewers. Honesty and intellectual integrity over the entire process and after the article publication are guaranteed.

The process of double-blind peer review will be respected ensuring no indication whatsoever of authorship, authors and also reviewers in the documents.

Except for institutional ascription, email address, ORCID ID and other information the authors ask to be included in the text of the published articles, the authors’ personal information will be confidential.  

Conflicts of interests:

The Editors undertakes to report the readers the steps followed to ensure that the collaborations of the members of the Editorial Board or Board of Directors published in the journal were impartially and objectively reviewed, and to declare any possible conflict if interests over the editorial process owing to institutional ascription, ethical stance, kinship or personal or work relationship.

Review deadlines:

The Editors shall report the authors about their articles’ process of review. She will inform from the start (in editorial policies) that the process may take from 6 to 12 months. In the case the term extends, it will be the author’s decision to carry on with the review process or cancel their participation.


The Editors will look for the best authors and works to encourage them to collaborate sending an article to the journal. No invited authors will be favored whatsoever. Every article will undergo a peer-review process under the modality of double blind. 


Code of Etchis for Authors

Authors accept this responsabilities and rules from the delivery of their article:

  • To comply with the journal publication requirements, such as text originality and unpublished status, and its relevance.
  • To avoid lying, counterfeiting or data manipulation.
  • To assume collective responsibility, if this is the case, for the submitted work and published article.
  • To declare the corresponding funding sources, as well as conflicts of interest.
  • To cite the work of other authors accurately and only make reference to the publications used in the text.
  • To inform if the article have been published previously or if reports of a same set of data analysis are under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors must provide copies of publications or related works submitted to other journals.

Originality and plagiarism:

The authors of the articles submitted to Espiral declare by means of a letter of declaration of authorship that their work is original, that it has not been previously published (either physically or electronically), that it has not been submitted to another publication simultaneously and that it has not been shared on the web.

Solidity and reliability:

The reported research had to have been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. The authors take responsibility for their work and the contents, and should verify that the methods and findings are reported.


The authors that submit an article to review have to choose the order of authorship in a fair manner according to the contribution of each team member; this order will be respected by the journal. It will be their responsibility to give each author the corresponding role (author, coauthor, assistant, collaborator with mention or acknowledgement in the text, etc.) and timely communicate it to the Editorial Board. Editorial Board will ask for information about what exactly every member of the authorship made. The involved collaborators shall deal with the issues related to authorship before submitting their manuscript. All the collaborators listed as authors take responsibility for the text.

The number of collaborators has to agree with the functions performed in the research and drafting of the manuscript, as well as with the requirements of the field of study.  

In case of doubt, checking COPE’s resources regarding authorship is recommended.

Should a dispute over a text authorship arise, the Editor, supported by the Editorial Board, might withdraw a text from the assessment process, reject the submission or retract the published article until the situation is solved.


Allegations of malpractice

Malpractice can be identified by the Editorial Team, Editors and Directors Board, reviewers or readers, in which cases allegations will be heard as long as they are substantiated and proofs are presented. To pursue these cases and to the extent possible, COPE’s flowcharts will be used for support and reference, adapting them to the journal’s structure.

Some cases of malpractice in authorship are: plagiarism, self-plagiarism, previous publication of the same material, falsification of the research’s data and results, etc.

The first respondent will be the journal’s editor, who will contact the indicted author to let them know about the specific case and will ask for a reply to the allegation, without disclosing the name of the person who made it. In case of not receiving a satisfactory response, an investigation will ensue.

The case will be exposed to the members of the Editorial Board, who collectively will make a decision on the basis of the proofs presented and the severity of the case, which might end up in the withdrawal of the article from the review or edition process or the retraction of the article published in the journal’s website.

If the misconduct is grave and implies a violation of the law, the case will be sent to the Office of the Advocate-General of the University of Guadalajara, where the appropriate process will be followed.

If deemed necessary and/or useful for the scientific community, the case may be communicated to the indicted authors’ Universities or Research Centers, and also to the corresponding government agencies (Conacyt, in the case of México).

To prevent and timely pursue plagiarism, a detection system has been implemented; every article shall undergo a revision before being accepted for review in order to find out the similarity level with other texts and that the cited information is correctly attributed to the original author(s).


Attention to complaints

Complaints from authors will be received as long as they are well substantiated; they will be addressed to the extent possible following COPE’s regulations and flowcharts, as well as the journal’s internal rules.

Under no circumstances the process of complaint resolution will involve disclosing the reviewers’ identity. Any complaint about a review process will be addressed as long as the author identifies possible errors in the text review, albeit the Reviewer’s aptitude will not be called into question.

Complaints will be sent to the Editor, with every argumentation and proof necessary to consider the case. When required, the Editor will ask for the support of the Editorial Board or one of its members, expert in the theme of the article in question.

An answer will be issued within a 3-month deadline. 


Plagiarism detection

Espiral uses specialized software Ithenticate for detecting plagiarism. The received texts will be subjected to review before sending them for the editorial and academic statement. If the percentage of similarity of a received text with other text published or available on the Web is greater than 25%, it will be rejected, with previous information request to the author.

If it is detected or reported a possible plagiarism in published a text, the procedure to follow is that of COPE, which is summarized in the following Diagram.


Fees and charges

Espiral makes no article processing charges -APCs- nor article submission charges.

Press version of the journal can have a suscription wich has delivery fees, not lucrative.



Universidad de Guadalajara

Centro de Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

División de estudios de Estado y Sociedad


Registration in directories and databases of scientific content


Journal History

ESPIRAL celebrates two decades of watch critically the social reality from different angles, with diverse methodological and theoretical perspectives and respecting the unfinished feature of the social world. It's because of this that que logo of our publication is that geometric figure. 

We intend to contribute to the renovation of the concepts we analize the social world with. We have collected contributions from the international scientific community of the social science of Mexico, Latin America and the rest of the world. We have also contributed to the national and international diffusion of our Division scientific production. 

The journal has had as editorial line the maintenance of a universalist, tolerant and plural attitude. We have worked hard to construct a product of high academic quality, able to open its pages to the most advanced and rigorous knowledge possible and to operate according to criteria of strict academic review, following internal and external arbitration rules and the double peer review system; in addition, using an extensive portfolio of prestigious referees in the academic community of Mexico, Latin America, Spain, the United States and France, among other places.

We have been fortunate to have an editorial committee made up of researchers who are highly recognized in their fields of study, both nationally and internationally. Some of them (as) professors attached to the Universidad de Guadalajara and the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores; others, institutions of the region, such as ITESO or El Colegio de Jalisco, or attached to national institutions, such as El Colegio de México, the Social Research Institute of UNAM, CIESAS; the rest from international institutions such as the Center for the Study of the Americas (USA), the Federal University of Goiás (Brazil), Trobe University (Australia), Universidad de Chile, University of Texas at Austin The University of Paris XIII (France), la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) and the European University Institute (Italy).

In our pages, in addition to the authors of our Institution, there have been well-known researchers such as Claus Offe, Guillermo de la Peña, Susan Street, Pierre Salama, Zygmunt Bauman, Angel Bassols, Alonso Lujambio, Juan Manuel Ramírez Saíz, Pablo Latapí, Janaina Amado, Fernado Mires, Fernando Cortés, Alberto Aziz, Mary Louise Pratt, Bruno Lautiere, Pablo González Casanova, Marguerite Bey, Blandine Destremau, David Barkin, Jean Francois Lessard and Mario Lanzzaroti, among many others.

In recent years, we have included topics such as the environment, subjectivity, psychoanalysis, social capital, postcolonial theory, the dissociation between theory and empirical data, social practices, collective action, welfare regimes, the concept of revolution and the future of democracy in Mexico.

Many issues related to the State have been addressed in the section that bears that name, such as housing policies, social policies, industrial policies, human rights, building democratic institutions, health systems, research, insecurity and violence, access to information, etc.

Similarly, the analysis of a large number of problems related to society, including the contradictions of liberal democracy, poverty and impoverishment, inequality, social vulnerability, urban and metropolitan inequality, autonomy indigenous, political and trade union resistance, migration, social organizations, studies on youth, poverty and gender, blogosphere, work and social citizenship, social reform, regional economy, etc.

Our authors have resorted to historical, structural, constructivist perspectives, to discursive analysis and to theories that privilege social actors. Although we have put special attention to the Mexican reality, to its regions, and in particular to Jalisco, comparative studies and case studies have been published in European, Asian, North American and Latin American countries.

The works that have appeared in our pages have used disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdiciplinary approaches, qualitative and quantitative approaches, global and local scales, macro and micro perspectives. Complex states of the matter have been presented around broad corpora of studies on concrete problems, etc. Not only have we settled for presenting careful analysis, but we have spread visions that propose desirable changes.

After two decades, we consider that we have a very clear academic identity and that we have gained a very solid place in all the social science periodicals of our country. Therefore, we are very proud. All of this has been the result of a remarkable effort by the Departamento de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad, which has been encouraged by a collective spirit and an interinstitutional impulse in which many academic networks from Mexico, Latin America and many other countries. Our intention is to continue our rigorous plural company and open to Mexico and the world.

Thank you very much.