Avatars of the workers´s struggle in the neoliberal era: The experience of the Cooperative Society Democratic Workers of the West


  • Juan José Rojas Herrera Universidad Autónoma Chapingo


Cooperativism, self-management, trade unionism, automotive industry, Satate.


This document sets out, in general terms, the process of development of the Cooperative Society of Democratic Workers of the West, from its origins in the Unique Revolutionary Union of Euzkadi Workers, at the beginning of the years thirty, to the present, in order to highlight the way in which he has overcome the challenges that the economic and political context of the country has raised at different times of its evolution historical. It is an experience worth telling because it is full of nuances, of advances and setbacks that force a constant change of strategies such as those that it means moving from one union organization to another cooperative and finally managing both forms of social participation, without losing sight of what determines, ultimately, is to achieve the direct appropriation of the value generated in the productive process.


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How to Cite

Rojas Herrera, J. J. (2021). Avatars of the workers´s struggle in the neoliberal era: The experience of the Cooperative Society Democratic Workers of the West. Espiral Estudios Sobre Estado Y Sociedad (eISSN: 2594-021X), 28(82). Retrieved from http://espiral.cucsh.udg.mx/index.php/EEES/article/view/7148