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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text has not been previously published nor has been subject for consideration to any other journal.
  • Declaration of unpublished text is included, signed by all authors and in PDF format.
  • The text is the product of a scientific research.
  • The abstract both in Spanish and English includes: objective, methodology, results, findings or conclusions.
  • The text includes 5 keywords according to the theme, methodology, results and discussion of the article.
  • The text include the ID - ORCID to each and every one of the authors.
  • The institutional affiliation of each author is expressly indicated, without initials and indicating the country.
  • The text wording, coherence, clarity and spelling has been checked.
  • The ethical aspects of social research have been taken care.
  • The text file is in a word processor, figures in JPG and graphs in spreadsheet processor.
  • Text article extension is between 8 000 and 10 000 words, or between 1 300 and 2 000 in reviews case, and in letter size with margins of 3 cm, written in Times New Roman 12 points, line-spacing double, no space between paragraphs.

  • All figures are indicated in the appropriate places in the text and include the source.
  • Only the bibliography cited is included in the text.
  • Whenever possible, there are directions URL/DOI references.
  • In the case of sending the text for the peer evaluation section, instructions provided at Ensure a blinded evaluation are followed (Please remove the names and any reference to the authors in the file).

Author Guidelines

Requirements for submitting texts

Applications which are not submitted by this official web page will not be accepted. Articles that are sent for possible publication to Espiral must send to the following documentation, at most 24 hours after the application of the article:

  1. Application format: ­ Available in the OJS interface of the journal. It's fullfilment during the articles shipment process. The format request specific information about the article and the author(s).
  2. Declaration of unpublished material: This format must also be filled with the data of the author or authors, in the case of articles with two or more authors, and must provide the details of each and every one of them. The author that signs responsible for the text must be identified, as well as the author for correspondence. If author could not access to the format on our official web site, declaration of unpublished material must be requested on our e-mail address prior to the shipping of the article  (
  3. Author card. I'ts a Word document (.doc, .docs) where it is specified:
    - Authors fullname, with institution, position, department, faculty or school.
    - Ph Grade description. Also institution where grade was obtained.
    - Explicited recognition of the financing found for the research, if so.
    - Greetings and thanks to other collegues or research assistants, for the help. 

           - ORCID.


Please, send both the entire content of the postulated article and additional files in its final versions. Article must be anonymous, ensuring a blind peer review. Changes in the article will not be accepted once the process began.
If the article is accepted for publication, author will be required to send:
  1. Format for transfer of proprietary rights: It must be completed and signed with the data of the author or authors. In the case of articles with two or more authors, data from each and every one of them must provide, and you must identify the author that signs responsible for the text, as well as the author for correspondence. Author must ask for them in our electronic address ( once the acepptance of the article is notified by us.


 Requirements for delivering originals

For the delivery of the material the following criteria should be taken into consideration:

  1. Deliver the textual content in electronic format for word processor files, without password key (sending files in PDF is not pertinent to the editorial process).
  2. Deliver photographs and images in electronic files in jpg format (or compatible) with at least 300 dpi resolution. It is essential to attach the graphs, tables or pictures in worksheet separately. Images of graphics, pictures or tables are not pertinent to the publishing process.
  3. Authors must have the rights of reproducing images, artwork, photography etc, either from their author (authors), or third parties.

Guidelines for authors

Espiral does not release or receive payments for the shipping, processing and publication of texts.


  1. Texts submitted for publication must contain original results of high academic level under the journal’s scope and approach.
  2. Works must be unpublished and authors are not to submit them for publication in other publications; a letter signed by the authors’ originality is required.
  3. Text in English or in Portuguese could be sent for the review stage. In case of being accepted for publication, articles will be translated into Spanish. The author is responsible for this translation.
  4. Cases of co-authorship with a maximum of three authors (i.e., an author and two co-authors) will be accepted exceptionally and the contribution of each one of them should be explicit.
  5. Authors must have be affiliated as faculty of an institution of higher education, national or from abroad. Contributions by research assistants will be pointed out in footnotes.
  6. Authors will provide ORCID standard identifier number. For further information go to In case of not having ORCID, the text will not be sent to review.
  7. Authors should identify their institutional affiliation and country, indicating exclusively the institution of first level, without resorting to the use of abbreviations or acronyms.
  8. Articles will include an introduction stating the problem to be addressed, the research methodology or strategy of analysis, main results, conclusions and relevant bibliography. If so deemed, the author(s) may submit sections and paragraphs properly nested and differentiated only with the use of typography (without using Arabic or Roman numbers).
  9. The title of the article should be with a maximum 15 words, both in Spanish and English and must describe in clear and concise way the content of the article.
  10. The main body of the article should have an extension not exceeding 10 000 words or no less than the 8 000, or not exceeding 2 000 words or no less that 1 300 in the reviews case. Writing font should be Times New Roman, 12 points, with 3 cm margins.
  11. The text will include an abstract not exceeding 150 words, with the articles’ objective, the method used, the main results and the contribution to the discipline, in addition to 5 key words.
  12. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page and will be used only to make comments and clarifications.
  13. Graphs, tables and diagrams should be ready to be edited, i.e., imported from PowerPoint to Word or Excel.
  14. Bibliography shall contain only cited works.
  15. It will be given priority to texts shipped with a bibliography electronically handled and presented with the standard APA bibliography model. Authors may use of any available market manager Reference Manager, Crossref or Mendeley (among others), or open source such as Refworks or Zotero.




Espiral uses the APA citation style.




When citing fragments of works in another language, authors must offer their own translation to the Spanish in footnotes and specify that it is the author’s translation. If it is offered a translation of another author, they must give credit, both in the citation and in the bibliography.

Latinisms: according to APA style, except the Latin abbreviation et al. Espiral does not use op. cit., id., ibid, or its form unlocked ibidem.; therefore, each repetition of a reference should be cited. Also Espiral does not use cf. or cfr., but their Castilian form.



Each citation made in the article must have a reference in text (author-date citation), with this posibilities:


Work priority


Author (year) considers that “citation…” (page number).


Author priority


As Author considers: “citation…” (year, page number).


Cite priority


“Citation” (Author, year, page number).


By “Author” we means last name of the author of the citation material.


In the case of references just paraphrased but not quoted, these would be referenced just by Author an year of the source. Article’s author could include page number if it is necessary, but always considering the reference format that gives work priority:


Work priority

Author (year) considers that resume or paraphrase


In sources with two up to five authors, reference in text must include authors last names separated by commas on the first mention of the source in the article, and later that with use of the latin expression “et al.”, no italics:


Firs mention of the source: Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3 (year)…

Later mentions: Author 1, et al. (year)…


Sources with more than five authors will be referenced in text with the first author last name and the latin expression “et al.”, no italics, from the first mention on the article.


References list must contain all the last names and first name initials of the authors of each matherial, no matter how much these are by souce.


All source with a reference in text must appear with complete information on the references list at the end of the article.





Press article (web version):

Last name, FN. FN. (day of month of year). Article’s title. Press name. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxx


Press article (printed version):

Last name, FN. FN. (day of month of year). Article’s title. Press name, pp. xx-xx.


E-journal article with doi:

Last name, FN. FN., Last name, FN. FN., and Last name, FN. FN. (year). Article’s title. Journal namevol(num.), pp.-pp. doi: xxxxxxxxxxxx


E-journal article with URL (no doi):

Last name, FN., Last name, FN., and Last name, FN. (year). Article’s title. Journal name, vol(num), pp-pp. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx


Journal (printed) article:

Last name, FN. (year). Article’s title. Journal’s name, vol(num), pp.-pp.


Book chapter:

Last name, FN. (year). Chapter’s title. In FN. Last name, and FN. Last name (Eds./Comps./Coords.), Book’s title (pp. xx-xx). City or Country: Publisher.


Web downloaded files (official documents, scanned documents, pdf archives, official acts, public resolutions, etc.):

Last name, FN. (year of the document). Document’s title. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx


Personal interview or communication:

Personal interview/communication (day of month of year of receiving). Personal interview/communication with Alias or Identifier [FN. Last name, interviewer/receiver]. City of receiving, state, country.


Laws and decrets:

Promulgating institution (day of month of year of promulgation). Official title of the law. City or Country of promulgation: Publisher or Editorial-in-charge Institution. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxx



Last name, FN. (year). Title. City or Country: Publisher.


Web source (html simple text, no pages):

Last name, FN.  Of the text author (year of html actualization). Tex’t title. Web page name. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxxx


Social media (profile contents, pages, posts, etc.):

Name or Pseudonym (day of month of year of the post). Post title [publication on Social media name]. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx 


Thesis (printed):

Last name, FN. (year). Thesis title [PhD/ Master thesis, unpublished]. Institution: City or Country.


Thesis (web):

Last name, FN. (year). Thesis title [PhD/ Master thesis, unpublished]. Institution: City or Country. Retrieved from http:www.xxxxx


Online video (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.):

Channel name (day of month of year of publication). Video’s title [online video]. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxx


In the case of institutions (corporations, associations, government agencies and study groups) as authors, their names must be written with out initials, in references in text as in final references list.


When author and year of the source are the same, differential letters should be used on the year: (Yeara), (Yearb), etc., no matter what kind of source is. The year with differential letter must correspond on references in text as in references list.


If extra help is needed, please contact us at

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Please, read the Universidad de Guadalajara Privacy Policy at: